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Three projects done in paper, wood, and metal.

design inspiration, from left to right:
-twisted fence slats of the alston way apartments (downtown berkeley)
-wedge-like structure that compensates for the incline and allows for building and living on sloping hills (ashbury st, san fransisco)
-angled barrier in the unit 2 courtyard (southside berkeley)
Through observing the way that three distinct structures occupy space, I constructed a modular sculpture made of railroad paper and cardboard. I was interested in the way that the orientation of these barriers dictated the amount of space they take up and how they changed the way that people are able to interact with each space.


CONVERGE: Wood Puzzles
Converge is an interactive wooden sculpture I created alongside two of my classmates. When spun, each layer of the head catches on the next, creating a cascading effect that warps the shape of each head. As the gears turn, the layers that make up each head overlap.
When presenting this piece in a gallery space, both head were disassembled and each individual piece was laid out in front of the gears for participants to attempt to put together this sculpture. Because there are no written instructions, we decided to paint the pieces in a gradient so that the order in which the pieces should be stacked is clearer.


Fake, Borrow, Steel
steel, wood, polycarbonate sheets, laser-cut acrylic, and magnetic cassette tapes
Memorex is an installation piece made for two. The two people inside are encouraged to choose which tape to listen to together, and through listening to a variety of tapes made for strangers by strangers, the participants are included in an intimate moment not actually intended for them. The transparent cylinder acts as a physical barrier to the outside world and participants become ensconced in the experience, completely oblivious to onlookers who can see them from the outside. With this project, I wanted to explore the perversion of intimacy and connection between individuals. Ultimately, the overload of senses and the intrusion of intimacy lends to creating a unique atmosphere, through a combination of mirrors, cassette tapes, and colored lights.

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